Dan Savage’s sitcom picked up by ABC

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A sitcom based on the life of LGBT advocate Dan Savage has been picked by up by ABC and will air this autumn.

Despite objections by conservative hate groups, ABC have announced they will be broadcasting the programme.

Hate group Family Research council president Tony Perkins had said: “Does ABC really want to produce a pilot show based on a vile bully like Dan Savage?  Do Dan Savage’s over-the top-obscenity, intimidation of teenagers and even violent rhetoric reflect the values of Disney?

“Partnering with Dan Savage and endorsing his x-rated message will be abandoning the wholesome values that have attracted millions of families to Walt Disney.”

Media Research Centre said: “Disney ABC’s decision to effectively advance Dan Savage’s calls for violence against conservatives and his extremist attacks against people of faith, particularly evangelicals and Catholics, is appalling and outrageous.

“If hate speech were a crime, this man would be charged with a felony. Disney ABC giving Dan Savage a platform for his anti-religious bigotry is mind-boggling and their silence is deafening.”

The Real O’Neals is losely based on the early life of advice columnist Mr Savage, and Deadline describes it as a “internal ABC favourite.”

In March, Mr Savage challenged an anti-gay politician to “suck my d*ck”.


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