The rejection of gay men might be pushing them to fight with Isis

Illustrated rainbow pride flag on a pink background.

Gay terror suspects may have been pushed into working with Isis after being rejected for being gay.

The Times reports that a British jihadist fighting in Syria has exchanged intimate messages with other male terror suspects.

According to police sources, there was evidence of “highly charged same-sex relationships”, which could result in his death if he was uncovered by other jihadists, as homosexuality is widely regarded as a sin by Isis.

The messages were uncovered in a counter-terrorism investigation, and make it clear that the men were having a sexual relationship, despite claims from sources that it was simply “strong heterosexual bonding”.

According to the investigators, the lack of acceptance within parts of the Muslim community for gay men, could be pushing them towards a fundamentalist outlook.

In addition, they expressed fears that gay men in fundamentalist groups could also be driven to travel to Syria, and would be willing to give their lives on arrival, due to the rejection of their sexuality.

The Times reported that it was aware of the names of the individuals, but that it had not published them out of safety concerns.

MI5 said it was “not clear that sexuality had a role to play in radicalisation”, and sources said there was not a “broad theme” of homosexuality among Isis jihadists.

The group known as Islamic State has reportedly been employing “honeytraps” to coerce men into homosexuality before executing them.

Members of the terrorist group, which has published a number ofgraphic videos featuring the murder of supposed gay men,  holds power across parts of Iraq, Syria and Libya.

ISIS militants recently threatened to throw homosexuals off the Leaning Tower of “Pizza”.

Members of ISIS took to Twitter to warn that they were coming to “Rome” to “use your leaning tower of pizza to throw off homosexuals”.

The Leaning Tower of Pisa – which is not spelled Pizza – is actually located in the town of Pisa, nearly 200 miles from Rome.



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