Coalition for Marriage claims PinkNews is dictating minister’s morals

PinkNews logo on pink background with rainbow corners.

The Coalition for Marriage has claimed that PinkNews is responsible for changing the views of the new Minister for Equalities.

This week, Tory MP Caroline Dinenage was appointed by Prime Minister David Cameron as a minister for equalities at the Department for Education – despite her voting against same-sex marriage and claiming “the state has no right” to redefine its meaning.

After news of her appointment spread, the minister told PinkNews she is “fully committed to advancing the cause of LGBT equality and supports the law on same sex marriage”.

However, anti-gay marriage lobbying group the Coalition for Marriage – which unsuccessfully campaigned to stop equality in 2013 – has claimed that PinkNews is now responsible for dictating the morals of ministers.

The group claimed: “No sooner had she taken up her new role than Benjamin Cohen, the CEO of gay news site PinkNews, was speaking publically of his hopes that Dinenage would change her mind on the issue.

“By lunchtime yesterday the new minister wrote on Twitter: ‘I support equal marriage & I’m fully committed to advancing the cause of LGBT equality moving forward’.

“What a shame.

“More Tory MPs voted against the same-sex bill in February 2013 than voted for it… so why her change of heart? And why put pressure on her to change her stance at all?

“Sadly, she is experiencing what so many others have witnessed too – instead of same-sex marriage signifying a more tolerant society, actually it’s resulting in difference being squeezed out of public life.”


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