Russian police detain protesters at IDAHOT flashmob

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17 Russian activists were detained by police for a pro-gay event in Moscow.

They had gathered outside a theatre to celebrate the International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia, yesterday. However, before they could begin their protest, a bus full of police arrived and began to arrest protesters.

The group had been planning to release balloons to mark the day, but were forced onto the police bus almost immediately after arriving.

A similar event in St Petersburg went ahead with no trouble.

Protester Nika Yuryeva told Reuters: “It’s tough, members of the LGBT community face lots of discrimination in their lives, at work, at school.

“People are faced with violence in the streets.”

A Russian MP recently claimed that Apple gave away a free U2 album as “gay propaganda”.

Alexander Starovoitov, a member of the LDPR party, claimed: ”I, like many Russian citizens, own an iPhone.

“In 2014, the band U2 forced my phone to download their new album. Their cover album depicts two men, which in my view, depicts the expression of a non-traditional sexual relationship to each other.”

Swedish peacekeepers are using a “gay sailor” to keep Russian submarines about of Swedish waters.

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