Obama’s response to this 5-year-old gay marriage campaigner is amazing

Illustrated rainbow pride flag on a pink background.

President Obama recently joined the world of Twitter, and in one of his first tweets made the day of a 5-year-old advocate of same-sex marriage.

The POTUS (President of the United States) account went live on Twitter last week.

Writing to the account was 5-year-old Yasmeen Faruqui, who tweeted Obama to say she wanted to put a stop to war, and asking him to show his ongoing support for same-sex marriage.

She wrote: “Please stop war for our world, instead have a meeting,” the handwritten note posted by Faruqui’s aunt read. “Please give a speech to tell everyone they can marry who they want,” she continued.


To her surprise, Yasmeen got a response from the President, who simply wrote: “Tell your niece I really like her letter. Couldn’t agree more!”


Addressing any suggestion that Yasmeen may have been told to write those words, her mother said: “I just let her do her thing… Those are absolutely her spontaneous ideas. … She has a mind of her own!”


Her aunt told ABC News that she had been a long-time supporter of Obama.


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