10 of the most bigoted things that Presidential hopeful Rick Santorum has said

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As anti-gay Republican Rick Santorum announces his run for President, we look at some of the most bigoted, homophobic and disturbing comments he has made.

The former Pennsylvania Senator, who unsuccessfully challenged for the White House in 2012, is set to join the growing list of Republican contenders today.

Santorum – whose extreme record for anti-gay comments earned his name a new meaning more than a decade ago – is one of the most actively anti-LGBT of all the candidates.

We take a look at ten of his most disgusting comments:

1. Children are worse off with lesbian parents than convict parents
10 of the most bigoted things that Presidential hopeful Rick Santorum has said
In one of his most vile attacks on gay couples, Santorum claimed in 2012 that same-sex parents are “robbing children of something they need” – saying that convicted criminals would be better.

Citing a junk, widely discredited study, he claimed: “Even fathers in jail who had abandoned their kids were still better than no father at all to have in their children’s lives.”

2. Gay couples will cause the collapse of the economy

Last year, in a speech to anti-gay group NOM he claimed that the economy “suffers” because of gays marrying.

He said: “When we continue to see a decline in marriage, and the redefinition of marriage, you get less marriage… You get families that aren’t as strong, and as a result, society generally – the economy – suffers.”

3. Homosexual behaviour is a choice
10 of the most bigoted things that Presidential hopeful Rick Santorum has said

Also last year, Santorum waded in to defend then-Texas Governor Rick Perry, when he claimed people can ‘choose’ to be gay in the same way you can ‘choose’ not to be an alcoholic.

Santorum said: “I think anybody’s behaviour is a choice. Behaviour is a choice.”

4. It would ‘violate’ my faith to see a gay friend get married

Last month, Santorum confirmed that he would not attend the same-sex wedding – even if it was of a family member or loved one.

He said: “As a person of my faith, that would be something that would be a violation of my faith.

5. Bruce Jenner will always be ‘anatomically and biologically’ male
10 of the most bigoted things that Presidential hopeful Rick Santorum has said
Sorry trans readers – it’s not just LGB people that Santorum has issues with.

After initially seeming to support reality star Bruce Jenner’s transition, Santorum quickly clarified that he will always see Jenner as male.

He said “I know what anatomically and biologically he is. That doesn’t change by himself identifying himself. His genetics and DNA isn’t changing.”

6. The anti-gay movement is only losing arguments because gays silenced the Church
10 of the most bigoted things that Presidential hopeful Rick Santorum has said
Speaking to listed hate group the Family Research Council – which regularly compares gay rights to the Holocaust – Santorum claimed his movement is only “losing” on gay rights because activists have “silenced” the Church.

He said: “We are losing in this particular area among young people not because we’re out there and competing, it’s because they have effectively silenced the church on a lot of those issues and young people don’t even know what the opposing view is on these issues.”

7. Same-sex weddings will “disintegrate” marriage

Santorum has claimed that equal marriage would destroy churches, families and “disintegrate” marriage.

He warned of legalising same-sex marriage: “The greatest threat to equality is equality that shows no discernment, has no basis for value.

“If we do not win this issue of marriage, not only will the family disintegrate — it is is disintegrating.”

He added it would “destroy the institutions of America’s foundation… and destroy the American family.”

8. Colleges are to blame for promoting gay rights and porn
10 of the most bigoted things that Presidential hopeful Rick Santorum has said

Unsurprisingly, Santorum isn’t a big fan of the education system – claiming US colleges and universities promote a “sea of antagonism towards Christianity” responsible for progressive politics.

He claimed: “If you go to our schools and particularly our colleges and universities, they are indoctrinated in a sea of relativism and a sea of antagonism towards Christianity.”

“Abortion is a symptom. Marriage is a symptom. Pornography [is a symptom]. All of these are symptoms to the fundamental issue that we’ve gotten away from the truth and the ‘Truth-Giver’.”

9. I will void the existing marriages of gay couples if elected

While running for President in 2012, Santorum vowed to invalidate the marriages of thousands of loving gay couples who had already tied the knot.

Pledging to tear their families apart by introducing a new ban on same-sex marriage, he explained of existing weddings: “Well, their marriage would be invalid.”

10. People who oppose gay rights are being sent to re-education camps
10 of the most bigoted things that Presidential hopeful Rick Santorum has said
Appearing on the radio show of listed hate group the American Family Association – less than a month after the show’s host claimed “homosexual stormtroopers” had brought back slavery – Santorum said that people who oppose equality are being rounded up and sent to camps.

He insisted: “There was a case in Colorado where someone had to go to a re-education camp.

“They are fighting, they are fighting, they are not backing away, they are coming at us.”

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