Gay hotelier Ian Reisner admits making maximum donation to Ted Cruz

Illustrated rainbow pride flag on a white background.

A gay hotelier has admitted making the maximum donation possible to presidential hopeful, the anti-gay marriage Ted Cruz.

The Texas Senator pledged to “uphold the sacrament of marriage” when announcing his run for President last month – but recently attended a fundraising event hosted by Mati Weiderpass and Ian Reisner, owners of ‘gay friendly’ hotel Out NYC.

After the story broke, Reisner denied giving a donation to Cruz’s campaign, telling New York Magazine: “There were no cheques given, it wasn’t like that.”

However, he has now clarified that he actually did make the maximum donation possible for a nominating contest, $2,700 (£1,767), but has said he asked for the money back.

Speaking to the New York Times, he said: “In the interest of transparency, I gave Senator Cruz a $2,700 cheque to show my support for his work on behalf of Israel. When I realised his donation could be misconstrued as supporting his anti-gay marriage agenda, I asked for the money back.

“Senator Cruz’s office gave the money back, and I have no intention of giving any money to any politicians who aren’t in support of LGBT issues.”

The event came as Cruz launched a desperate attempt to halt same-sex weddings, filing two bills that would attempt to nullify an expected Supreme Court ruling in favour of equal marriage in all 50 states.

Cruz last month said the media should stop asking him about gay rights because ISIS are executing gay people.

Mr Cruz was picked as top choice for President last year by attendees at the anti-gay Values Voter Summit – which is run by a group that regularly compares gay rights to the holocaust.

He also describe out Apple CEO Tim Cook’s sexuality as a “personal decision”. 


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