Someone has blamed Texas floods on gay people (but this time it’s not UKIP)

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A pundit has claimed that devastating floods in Texas are being caused by gay people – but Nigel Farage can rest easy for once.

The party sacked councillor David Silvester last year after he claimed flooding was God’s punishment for same-sex marriage, while it refused to drop Parliamentary candidate Ted Strike when it emerged he had also blamed bad weather on homosexuality.

As parts of Texas suffer from extreme floods that have killed 20 people and forced thousands from their homes, gay people have been blamed again – but this time it’s an American pundit making the comparison.

Bryan Fischer, of listed hate group the American Family Association, questioned whether “sodomites” were to blame for the flooding on his AFA radio show.

He agreed with a caller who blamed the flooding on the “sodomite mayor” of Houston Annise Parker – who is openly gay.

Fischer said: “If you’re going to attribute the flooding in Texas to some kind of supernatural cause, you can make a geographical connection between the flooding and the practice of the occult and witchcraft and the embrace of homosexuality.

“That’s where the disaster is being felt the worse.

“Sodom and Gamorrah – it was a natural disaster, but it was very localised. It wiped out those two towns, it didn’t wipe out the entire region, it just wiped out those two cities where homosexuality had been embraced.”

However, as Texas is one of just 13 states that maintains a ban on same-sex marriage, it’s unclear why God would single it out for punishment.

The AFA is currently raising funds to broadcast Fischer’s hate-filled show in Washington DC for Congressmen.

Fischer regularly makes disturbing extremist anti-gay comments on his show, blaming gay people for the Holocaust and claiming that freedom of religion only applies to Christians.

Commenting on the Boy Scouts of America’s decision to allow gay youth members, Fischer said that the organisation should be renamed the “Boy Sodomisers of America”.

Watch the clip via Right Wing Watch below:

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