Gay cure camp told guys to get naked with their dads

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Opening arguments have been heard in a fraud trial which involves a ‘gay cure’ therapy religious group.

The New Jersey group Jews Offering New Alternatives for Healing (JONAH), was sued in 2012 by four Jersey City-based plaintiffs.

Jurors today heard that JONAH offered “junk science”, despite claiming to be able to “cure” gay people of their sexuality.

The four plaintiffs said “treatment” included being told to spend more time naked with their dads, and being subjected to anti-gay slurs in a locker room style setting.

One of the plaintiffs said he was told to beat a pillow using a tennis racket, where the pillow was meant to represent his mother.

Attorney for the plaintiffs, David Diniello, said: “My clients needed help but JONAH lied and JONAH made it worse… All they got was junk science and so-called cures.”

An attorney for JONAH, however, said in his statement that the organisation uses methods commonly undertaken by therapists, and that some clients have reported successful results.

Attorney for Jonah, Charles LiMandri, said none of the plaintiffs asked for their money back at the time. He said they had spoken “glowingly” about JONAH until activists contact them, after which they “denounced” the organisation.

JONAH accused the state of New Jersey, where a law now makes it illegal to practice “gay cure” therapy on minors, of attempting to shut down a debate on the issue.

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