This sick crowd gathered to watch ISIS murder three gay men

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WARNING: The content and imagery within this article is extremely disturbing.

This sick crowd gathered to watch ISIS murder three gay men

The group known as Islamic State (ISIS) has executed three more men for homosexuality in its Iraqi stronghold.

The terrorist group released shocking images this week showing a number of men being executed for being gay. Some of the images are too disturbing to be reproduced on PinkNews, even with a warning.

The images begin with a large crowd gathering outside a large building in the Iraqi city of Mosul.

This sick crowd gathered to watch ISIS murder three gay men

A barefoot man is dragged to the top of the building, and dangled over the edge by his ankles. He is thrown off the building – and his body pelted with rocks by the crowd below.

Two further men, also thought to have been found guilty of sodomy, are also killed in the same manner.

Men, women and children are seen in the crowd below – with women who were once banned from attending executions now given special permission to leave their homes to attend.

The group has reportedly been employing “honeytraps” to coerce men into homosexuality before executing them.


The below images show a man being dangled and in mid-air 

DO NOT scroll down if you do not want to see these images.
This sick crowd gathered to watch ISIS murder three gay men
This sick crowd gathered to watch ISIS murder three gay men

It is not the first time that ISIS have executed gay men in such a manner, and routinely use the Mosul building as an execution site.

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