UKIP rejected from Pride in London

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The Board of Pride in London has said UKIP will not be allowed to march in this year’s parade.

Veteran campaigner Peter Tatchell spoke out against their inclusion, whereas others argued Pride should welcome all facets of the LGBT community.

After days of discussion and negotiations, the board released a statement this evening.

It says: “For this year we have reached the decision that UKIP’s application to join the Pride in London Parade, 27th June 2015, will be turned down.

“This decision has been made after careful consultation in order to protect participants and ensure the event passes off safely and in the right spirit, it has not been made on a political basis.

“We appreciate many in our community have strongly held views about UKIP, their policies and comments, but is undeniable that there are LGBT+ members of UKIP, including their MEP for Scotland, and it is important to remember that Pride in London aims to be an inclusive event.

“However, of paramount concern to us is the experience of all participants at Pride, most especially the position we would be putting our volunteer stewards in.”

It is understood that ‘sit-ins’ or other direct action has been threatened in order to disrupt the parade, and organisers were consulting with sponsors over the issue.

A petition calling for their application to march to be denied says: “Nigel Farage, leader of UKIP, clearly does not support the values of acceptance that Pride promotes, and UKIP is an inherently homophobic, transphobic, xenophobic, racist and misogynistic political party.”



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