Scott Lively: Obama ‘orchestrated’ Ukraine conflict over Russia’s anti-gay laws

Illustrated rainbow pride flag on a white background.

Hate preacher Scott Lively has claimed that Barack Obama orchestrated the conflict in Ukraine – because of Russia’s gay propaganda law.

The anti-gay activist – who previously failed in his bid to become Governor of Massachusetts – is a strong supporter of Russia’s anti-gay legislationbranding Putin an ‘unlikely hero’ for passing it.

Lively also addressed an anti-gay conference in Uganda before the country’s homophobic law was first drafted, and is due to stand trial for Crimes Against Humanity for his role in encouraging anti-gay laws around the world.

In an article for BarbWire, the US hate preacher has claimed that the entire conflict in Ukraine was actually orchestrated by President Barack Obama – as revenge for Russia’s anti-gay law.

He ranted: I have come to believe that Obama orchestrated the Ukraine coup to re-start the cold war to prevent Russia from leading a global revolt against his most sacred cow, the LGBT agenda.

“While there were clearly important geo-political factors in Obama’s decision to initiate regime change in Ukraine, I am convinced that the primary impetus was to nip opposition to the international LGBT political steamroller in the bud.

“Unfortunately, Obama’s strategy has worked and Russia has been forced from its former trajectory toward global cooperation with the west into an increasingly adversarial posture as Obama and the GOP Establishment Neo-Cons (united by perversion) continue to portray Russia as a pariah state while simultaneously attempting ‘regime change’ within its borders.”

He added: “I place the blame for this disturbing transformation squarely at the feet of Obama, whose allegiance to the LGBT agenda supersedes all other concerns, even the very real and growing risk of nuclear war.”

Incredibly, the extremist anti-gay politician recently complained that he is labelled anti-gay, despite being one of the world’s most notorious homophobes.

He whinged: “Most irritating and misleading is that all or most of the stories identify me (often in the title) as ‘anti-gay pastor’, as if that were some sort of professional title rather than an editorial comment.

“I strongly object to that characterization, which deliberately misrepresents my opposition to the mainstreaming of homosexual conduct as hatred of homosexual persons.”

PinkNews continues to refer to the anti-gay hate preacher as an anti-gay hate preacher.

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