This high school senior came out in the best way

Illustrated rainbow pride flag on a white background.

The New Jersey teen left it to the last minute before coming out to his classmates.

Maxwell Barrett used his yearbook quote to announce his sexuality to his friends and teachers, before he leaves high school for the last time this summer.

Below his photo reads: “Of course I dress well, I didn’t spend all that time in the closet for nothing”.

He proudly posted a photo to twitter – where he does look pretty swish.

Admitting he hadn’t made the quote up himself, but paraphrased he’d read, he told the Huffington Post: “I wanted to go out with a bang.

“I had never done sports, or clubs. I was always just an art student. I wanted to go out in a way people would remember me by!”

A high school senior was recently outed to his parents over his plan to come out in his graduation speech.




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