Hundreds take part in naked bike ride through Manchester

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Hundreds of people have stripped down to take part in the World Naked Bike Ride through Manchester.


(Image: Twitter)

The bike ride, which took place on Friday, saw around 250 people cycle through Manchester’s gay village.

The event, which takes place in cities around the world, aims to raise awareness of issues faced by cyclists.


(Image: Twitter)

Andrew Fisher, one of the event organisers, said: “It’s all about getting cyclists to be more visible on roads.

“Drivers say they don’t see you, we’re saying cyclists need to be seen to get their fair share of the road.

“We think around 250 people have taken part this year, and every year the event gets bigger. The atmosphere was brilliant.”

Earlier this month, a man who got naked for the WNBR in Canterbury, had to be removed after he got a little bit excited.

The cyclist, who was not identified, was taking part in the event, but was removed by police before the start, after he became “aroused”.


(Image: Twitter)

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