Caitlyn Jenner thanks ‘fierce and fabulous’ Laverne Cox for her support

Caitlyn Jenner

Caitlyn Jenner has thanked Laverne Cox for her support during her coming out, as well as work she does for the trans community.

Tweeting in the early hours of Thursday morning, Jenner said: “You are fierce and fabulous! Your support means the world. Thank you for all that you do for the community. .”

Cox replied promptly to say: “My pleasure. Sending you lots of love always. .”

Caitlyn Laverne

After Caitlyn Jenner’s Vanity Fair cover was revealed, Ms Cox wrote a blog post criticising the focus on trans people’s appearances, and whether they conform to gender expectations.

She said previously of Jenner’s public coming out: “I think a lot of people tuned in expecting to see a spectacle, and they tuned in and saw a profoundly nuanced, complicated, beautiful human being.

“I had spoken to [Caitlyn] several months back, and the same person I had spoken to on the phone, who really just loves their children so much and wants their family to be happy, was the person I saw on television.”


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