Woman raises $30,000 to ‘gay up’ her house after complaints over gay garden

Illustrated rainbow pride flag on a white background.

A woman who was told to tone down her “relentlessly gay” front garden has raised over $30,000 to “gay up” her house as well.
Woman raises $30,000 to ‘gay up’ her house after complaints over gay garden

Baltimore resident Julie Baker, whose garden features an array of coloured mason jars, received an angry note this week telling her to ‘tone down’ the display.

It said: “Your yard is becoming Relentlessly Gay! Myself and others in the neighbourhood ask that you Tone It Down.

“This is a Christian area and there are Children. Keep it up and I will be forced to call the Police on You!
Woman raises $30,000 to ‘gay up’ her house after complaints over gay garden

“Your kind need to have Respect for GOD.”

However, Ms Baker seemed undeterred by the homophobic note – and has raised over $30,000 through a crowdfunding campaign to make her house and garden even more gay.

She said: “Holy Relentless Rainbows!! This is…. I am Speechless! Thank you ALL so much!!

“I am so stunned and shocked and grateful for the beautiful outpouring of support… it looks like I can get some painting done!

“I still want the rainbow roof, because I want this house to be seen from space!

“They want Relentless!? They got it! Thank you for standing with me!”

She said previously: “Put simply, I am a widow and the mother of four children, my youngest in high school and I WILL NOT Relent to Hatred.

“Instead, I will battle it with whimsy and beauty and laughter and love, wrapped around my home, yard and family!!!”

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