Venice bans children’s book about gay penguins

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Books which teach about same-sex and single-parent families will be banned in schools in Venice.

The moves comes after Luigi Brugnaro was elected the city’s mayor earlier this month.

Books including ‘And Tango Makes Three’, which is about two male penguins bringing up a chick, will be banned in the city.

Brugnaro made the pledge to purge the city’s nurseries and primary schools of books about gay partnerships and gay adoption.

“We don’t want to discriminate against anyone and at home parents can call themselves daddy number one and daddy number two, but I have to consider the majority of families, which have a mum and a dad,” he told La Repubblica newspaper.

“It is parents who should educate children about these things, not schools.”

The move has been slammed by some, as around 1,000 copies of ‘And Tango Makes Three’ have already been made available to the city’s teachers.

The previous administration made the books available. They have also been introduced across Italy.

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