Sam Smith baffles fans with picture of naked woman

Illustrated rainbow pride flag on a pink background.

Sam Smith has left his fans baffled – by sharing a picture of a naked woman on his Instagram.

The  Leave Your Lover singer came out as gay last year, when he revealed his first album was about a man he fell in love with.

He has discussed his sexuality at length since, and has never indicated that he is attracted to women.

Sam Smith baffles fans with picture of naked woman

However, the star baffled his fans by appearing to post a picture of a naked woman in the shower, with her bottom pressed up against the glass.

One fan wrote: “I thought he was gay??? Not being mean…”

Another added: “Sam Smith is straight now? [sad face]”

The singer did not caption the image – and amid speculation that his account was hacked, he has continued to post normal pictures of selfies with fans.
Sam Smith baffles fans with picture of naked woman

The picture remains online, and the owner of the bum in question is yet to be identified.

Sam Smith was ribbed at the BET Awards earlier this week – after he beat a field of black artists to take home a prize, despite being absent.

‘Black-ish’ star Anthony Anderson, who accepted the award on Smith’s behalf, joked that he wasn’t at the event because he was too white to win.

He said: “Sam Smith isn’t here tonight because he’s white, and he didn’t think he would win at the BET Awards.

“He didn’t think he could win. But we showed him that we love him, too.”

The actor joked: “You can come by my house next week and pick it up, but call first because black folk don’t just show up at other people’s houses like that!”

Smithgave a ‘Love Actually’-style silent awards speech at the Billboard awards last month, holding up signs instead of speaking as he had just undergone vocal surgery.

However, after cancelling a string of appearances across several months, he has since recovered his voice and is back on tour.

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