You may soon be using Grindr to message your mum instead of WhatsApp

Illustrated rainbow pride flag on a white background.

New legislation currently going through Parliament could ban WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger in a matter of weeks – possibly leaving users to find other means to contact their friends.

Under the Investigatory Powers Bill, commonly known as the Snoopers Charter, apps which use end-to-end encryption could be banned.

The apps, both owned by Facebook, Messenger and WhatsApp, would be banned unless they switched off end-to-end encryption.

Ironically, apps such as Grindr and Hornet, which have in the past been criticised over supposed security breaches, would be allowed under the legislation.


PinkNews notes that your mum would need to use a photo of a man in order not to be blocked from using Grindr.

Speaking after the Charlie Hebdo shootings in Paris, Prime Minister David Cameron hinted that apps which do not comply would be banned.

“In our country, do we want to allow a means of communication between people which even in extremes, with a signed warrant from the Home Secretary personally that we cannot read,” Cameron said in January.

“My answer to that question is no we must not. If I am prime minister, I will make sure it is a comprehensive piece of legislation that makes sure we do not allow terrorist safe spaces to communicate with each other,” he added.

The controversial moves by the Government have been criticised, with some pointing out the risks of removing encryption.

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