These gay footballers got married and shut down all the haters

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In the style of Romeo and Juliet, a gay Canadian footballer and her American opponent have tied the knot – right after the World Cup.

Canada’s star goalkeeper Erin McLeod, and American player Ella Masar, got married this week. The two play together on the Houston Dash.

Masar wrote on Instagram an amazing response to how she can support Canada when she is from the US.

She said: “People have been asking me how I can root for Canada when I am American, however, for me it’s an easy answer. She is my family and my family are all my reasons. For that alone I will forever be proud, support, and cheer 4 @erinmcleod1. #YAMR #itshere #WWC.”

Writing in a post on Instagram after the wedding, Masar said: “For all the congratulations, love, and support thank you. Erin and I feel overwhelmed and blessed with everyone that has reached out…

“Also, to the ‘other’ messages, thank you. Thank you for praying for me and reinforcing my own prayers because as you pray, ‘Lord please help Ella, allow her to see her sin for loving that woman, for respecting her, being faithful, honoring her, etc …’ Know I am saying the same thing, ‘my Heavenly Father, thank you for allowing me find my better half, for finding someone that strengthens my faith and allows me to be the person I always imagined. Thank you for teaching me what truly loving someone and others is all about, amen.’”


Image:Erin McLeod Twitter

In a post on Twitter, McLeod said: “The love of my life said ‘I do’… @emasar3 you are all my reasons- plus your initials don’t change;) win win?”

McLeod has previously written of struggling with being gay and maintaining her Christian faith.

In 2011, she wrote: “I am often surrounded by people living ungodly lifestyles, specifically when it comes to homosexuality. As a Christian, sometimes I am ridiculed for not going along with the crowd, but I do my best to explain to them that, as a Christfollower, I still love them even though I am not going to agree with what they do. To me, that demonstration of love is a powerful witness for Him.”

She more recently wrote of being more accepting of everyone, saying: “You see, I have accepted my life, my actions, and my voice. I know that just because the religion I choose to live by is love, that does not mean you or anyone else has to follow. That’s where I understand that everyone is different.

“That God has made and numbered the hairs on our heads for a reason.This is where I have found my peace. Where your words brought tears to my partner’s eyes, for you to prove and share your point, my own reassured her of everything that she is to me.

“That has always been my deal with Erin – that was my word to her. That love will always win.”

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