US: Verdict is in for gay porn star arrested for extortion

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Teofil Brank was arrested earlier this year for allegedly extorting more than $500,000 from a wealthy man.

Yesterday, a jury found Brank – who performs under the name of Jarec Wentworth – guilty of extorting gay Republican millionaire Donald Burns.

On Friday, 51-year-old Burns admitted under oath to paying Brank for sex “at least four times” and giving him $1500 to $2500 “referral fees” anytime the 25-year-old adult film star introduced him to new male prostitutes.

However, after the pair had a falling out, Brank made numerous threats to publish explicit photos of Burns if the millionaire didn’t fork over $1.5 million, a $180,000 Audi8 sports car, a motorcycle, and buy him a lavish condo in L.A.

Brank was arrested in an FBI sting operation on March 4 at a local Starbucks, and was later found to be in possession of a gun.

This means he could be facing a lengthy prison sentence of up to 53 years, making him 77 years-old upon release – maybe just a tad too old to return to the day job.

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