Watch: Shocking video shows what happens when two men hold hands in Moscow

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As same-sex marriage has now been legalised in the US, ChebuRussia TV of YouTube decided to conduct a social experiment to see what would happen when two men holding hands walked through the streets of Moscow, Russia.

The footage was captured by a third member walking in front of them with a camera hidden in his bag.

“I’m a bit frightened by his reaction, he hit hard.” Said one of the men, after being violently pushed by another man walking in between them.

As predicted, there is staring, verbal abuse and a number of physical confrontations.

“On one side of the planet this is absolutely normal. In Russia – it’s not.” The video concludes.

Watch below to see what happened:

This is not the first time this kind of experiment has taken place. Previously, another social experiment was conducted in Luton, with BBC Three Counties, when two straight radio presenters, DJ Iain Lee and Justin Dealey, walked through the streets holding hands and encountered shocking homophobia.

After just ten minutes walking around the town, the pair recieve a number of dirty looks and comments.

When they challenge a man on his reaction, he calls the pair “disgusting”.

Another woman says: “I don’t like it in my face, to be honest”.

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