Lesbian couple told to stop kissing at food festival as it is ‘disgusting’

A lesbian couple were told that kissing at a food festival was “disgusting” and “obscene”, and that they had to stop.

Mog Wilde and Freya Dansie say they were left “shocked and upset” at the comments by a security guard at Cardiff’s Food Festival.

The 35-year-olds said they were visiting the festival to celebrate Dansie’s birthday, and that they were dancing and kissing when they were told to stop.

Miss Wilde, a performance artist, told the Telegraph: “We were dancing to the live music and I kissed Freya because she looked so beautiful and it was her birthday.

“Then security came up to us and said it was disgusting, and to stop because there were children around. But this was a public place and we were not doing anything wrong.”

She went on: “This was so upsetting. I’m sure if it was a husband and wife kissing then nothing would be said. But I am made of tough stuff, and I’m just glad that it didn’t happen to more quiet and sensitive girls.

“Growing up, I encountered a lot of prejudicial behaviour, but I left that behind. So I was shocked to encounter something like this again.”

After the security guard told them to stop, Wilde said two drunken men also began to “kiss each other in solidarity”.

According to the couple, the men who kissed then received applause from those looking on.

A Cardiff council spokesman defended the actions of the security guard, saying: “Stewards received a number of complaints from members of the public about a couple who were engaged in a very strong display of public affection.

“Once the couple in question had been identified a steward approached them and reminded them that sexual behaviour of this level was inappropriate for what is very much a family event.

“The council has stringent policies on equalities and discrimination and the same course of action would have been taken regardless of the sexual orientation of the individuals involved.”

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