Mike Huckabee compares anti-gay activists to Martin Luther King

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Mike Huckabee has compared ‘Christians’ who oppose same-sex marriage to civil rights hero Dr Martin Luther King Jr.

The Republican Presidential wannabe, who is a strong opponent of same-sex marriage, made the claims after same-sex marriage became law across all 50 states.

He said: “I think in all of our lives there comes moments where we have to decide…. do we obey God or do we obey a decision that we believe is unlawful?

“Martin Luther King perhaps taught us best in our own lifetime… there were laws he disobeyed because he believed they were unjust laws.

Huckabee continued: “He was willing to suffer for his decisions, And I think that’s what we have to accept.

“We would be willing to follow our conscience. If we don’t follow our conscience we don’t have much of one.

“If they’re so fluid that they can be moved by the opinion of man, we really have no convictions whatsoever.”

Martin Luther King openly discussed homosexuality while writing an advice column for Ebony Magazine in 1958 – while the government was still openly discriminating against LGBT people.

Huckabee is among the Republican candidates to have signed a pledge that describes same-sex parents as “unconscionable and destructive” and a “threat to security”.

He has made a number of anti-LGBT comments in the past, ‘joking’ earlier this year that he wishes he were transgender so he could spy on teenage girls in the shower.

The Republican has also claimed that child molestation is “not unforgivable”, while defending his ardent supporter and anti-gay activist Josh Duggar.

Watch the clip via Right Wing Watch:

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