Job ad: Fed up with the daily Grindr?

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Vivastreet is looking for a business development whizz kid to launch a new alternative hook up app, which is – wait for it – absolutely free.

Fed up with faceless torsos? Bored of “hey” and nothing else as a chat up line?

You’re not alone.

The hook up app market is crowded, some big, some small, some buggy and some that just try to get money out of you. And then there’s the barrage of dick pics.

Seems to us that there is room for someone to come along to disrupt the market with a new approach. But it’s not only us that think that.

PinkNews recently caught up with Peter Jack, at Vivastreet, a company which is busy searching for a French speaking business development genius, about plans to take on the, ahem, big boys.

Peter said: “Several apps have tried to get a foot hold in the hook up space in the past but have underestimated the problem. It’s the old chicken and egg story.

“To make an app work you need to have lots of guys on it. To get lots of guys on it, you need to have lots of guys on it. And buying ads to get guys on your new app is very expensive. So what can you do? You can do what we’re going to do. You have a lot of gay traffic on another website.”

Vivastreet is a French company that owns and operates many different sites, including, obviously, and

The French version of the site is massive and has a very popular gay section. Their simple plan with their new hook up app, Ziipr, is to push traffic from the gay section of their French site to download the app. But getting traffic and users isn’t the only thing you need to do if you’re going to take on the big boys.

Peter continued: “You’ve got to make the app enticing for people fed up with other apps. How? we’re making it free to use. Free is always a good price point.

“You’re going to be able to get from searching to meeting a guy without spending a penny. Obviously, it’s a business, there is some monetisation built in to the app, but it’s for non-essential features like a travel mode where you can arrange meet ups in advance for a weekend break you’ve got planned. With Ziipr you’re going to be able to meet a guy for free.”

So, they have the traffic, they have a friction free, no cost app, and they have a good idea to launch the app first in France where they have a lot of gay traffic.

What Vivastreet doesn’t have is a French speaking business development hotshot to launch the app. If you like the sound of launching an app with the backing of a cash and traffic rich company, speak French and are brilliant at networking and making deals, you should check out their vacancy by clicking here.

Vivastreet is a PinkNews advertiser.

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