Has same-sex marriage support dropped since the SCOTUS ruling?

Americans have been left strongly divided over same-sex marriage since the Supreme Court ruled in its favour earlier this month, a new poll has found.

The Associated Press-GfK poll suggested that support for same-sex marriage may have dropped slightly from earlier this year.

The poll also found that there is an almost even split over whether officials should be allowed to refuse to perform same-sex marriages over religious objections.

While 49 percent saying officials should be allowed to refuse the weddings, with 47 percent saying they should be made to perform same-sex weddings.

The poll, conducted from 9 to 13 July found that 42 percent supported same-sex marriage and 40 percent were opposed.

The percentage of those who supported same-sex marriage in their state dropped slightly from 48% in April and 44 percent in January.

Worrying almost half of respondents said businesses should be allowed to refuse service to gay people, 46 percent, but a majority, 51 percent, said that should not be allowed.

Specifically relating to wedding businesses with religious objections, 59 percent said they should be allowed to refuse service to same-sex couples.

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