‘Draft Joe Biden’ group urges pro-gay VP to run for President

A ‘Draft Joe Biden’ campaign is calling on the Vice President to run to succeed Barack Obama – citing his accomplishments on gay rights.

The Democrat has been one of the most consistent voices on LGBT equality within the Obama administration – famously forcing the President’s hand on same-sex marriage in May 2012, by backing it while the President was still officially ‘evolving’ on the issue.

A book last year claimed that “chaos erupted inside the West Wing” after news of Biden’s comments – and within days Obama had also come out in favour of same-sex marriage.

In a video, supporters of the VP have urged him to run for the Democratic nomination and seek the White House, opposing presumed front-runner Hillary Clinton.

A video says: “He’s been one of the most influential vice presidents this country has seen. He is right now part of one of the most succesful administrations in recent history, and he’s a big reason for that success.

“An issue that Joe Biden really spoke out about since the beginning was gay rights. He was always for the LGBT community.

“We’re very happy that we have a Vice President like Joe Biden to support the Supreme Court in their ruling.”

Lightning struck again when the VP backed an executive order banning anti-LGBT workplace discrimination last year, when the President had already rebuffed calls for executive action.

Mr Biden got his way on that occasion as well, with Obama reversing his position again and signing an order just two months later.

Speaking out about the incidents this month – Biden said he didn’t have a problem” getting in front of Obama.

Vice President Biden’s son Beau Biden passed away earlier this year – and the Westboro Baptist Chuch picketed his funeral over Mr Biden’s support for LGBT rights.

Joe Biden has previously said he will decide whether to run for President or not by next month.

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