Activist hijacks racist Facebook group, converts it to ‘gays for Michelle Obama’

An activist infiltrated a ‘white pride’ group on Facebook – and converted it to an LGBT fan page for Michelle Obama.

Writing for Vice, Virgil Texas explained how while exploring right-wing activism online, he was invited to a private racist group called “confederate pride, heritage not hate”.

The group was “peppered with tirades” from far-right racists and “white supremacists and neo-Nazis” – until Texas decided to infiltrate the group.

After trolling it with a group of friends for days, he recounted: “I swooped in and offered to clean up this manufactured crisis. The hapless admin fell for it hook, line and sinker.

He continued: “Once I was in charge of the group I decided to take it in a new direction.

Activist hijacks racist Facebook group, converts it to ‘gays for Michelle Obama’

“The Confederate flag, I felt, had become a toxic brand. And all this South-rising-again business was a sure loser with swing voters. A top-down rebranding was in order. After rigorous focus-group testing, I decided to align the group with LGBT rights, Michelle Obama, Judaism, miscegenation and the victorious Juche ideology.

“And that is how ‘confederate pride, heritage not hate’ became ‘LGBT Southerners for Michelle Obama and Judaism’.”

The racist, homophobic members were baffled as the page changed repeatedly, also to ‘Gay Southerners who love Obama’.

Activist hijacks racist Facebook group, converts it to ‘gays for Michelle Obama’

Texas added: “The group haemorrhaged followers throughout the day until, at last, Facebook took it down.”

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