Drag Race Royalty share their thoughts on straight porn

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Some of our favourite ‘Drag Race’ queens have been watching straight porn – and sharing their reactions for our viewing pleasure.

Everyone from Alaska to Latrice had their say on the heterosexual copulation – and some enjoyed it more than others.

Alyssa Edwards was not amused:

Alyssa Edwards

This is absolutely horrendous!

Raja and Raven had a question for the female performer:

Raja &Raven

“She’s wearing a turtleneck. Who gets f***ed in a turtleneck?!”

Pandora Boxx saw herself onscreen:

Pandora Boxx

“Oh my god – that’s my wig!”

Laganja Estranja felt that everyone was serving body:


“I have not seen one face yet.”

Alaska got poetic:


I’m not afraid of vaginas. I think vaginas are beautiful. I came out of one.

And Milk didn’t know what to think:


People having sex with watches on? I don’t know how I feel about that.

Watch the full video below to see all the hilarious reactions:

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