Review: Briefs is all vaudeville, all male, and all fabulously sexy!

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All vaudeville, all male, and all fabulously trashy! Paying homage to the history of circus has never been so fabulous.

Have you ever wandered through a garden, seen a birdbath and thought – “the only thing that’s missing is a dangerously flirtatious Aussie splashing around in their budgie smugglers”?

Well, the Briefs Factory are going to give you the peek of Down Under that you’ve been waiting for.

Review: Briefs is all vaudeville, all male, and all fabulously sexy!
The team – who started life in a Brisbane warehouse – combine spectacular circus cabaret, awesome aerial stunts and devilishly funny drag.

The Briefs boys have refined their act for your pleasure. From Berlin to Brisbane, these Aussie boys (with their token New Yorker) have toured the globe and now they’re back in London Wonderground.

Their show, which had its London preview last night, was met to whooping audiences.

After obeying the house rules (one of which being “the drunker you get, the more fun you’ll have”) served by the fierce bearded lady and drag queen Shivannah, the aerial stunts kicked off straight away.


Nothing could beat our drag compère, who manages to keep the boys in line line (just about) whilst ruling the stage in sequins, feathers and size 17 heels.


What they’ve created is more then just a run-of-the-mill drag-circus-boylesque striptease.

Each of the acts are talented in multiple fields. The drag prowess from Dallas Dellaforce and Shivannah is combined with burlesque royalty Mark ‘Captain Kidd’ Winmill and the Evil Hate Monkey, who won Las Vegas King of Burlesque in 2011 and 2010, respectively.

There is no reason you’d want to miss the Evil Hate Monkey’s banana ballet.
Review: Briefs is all vaudeville, all male, and all fabulously sexy!
As well as drag and burlesque, a combination of circus skills and sultry strip-tease will leave you feeling horny and inadequate – you’ll never see a yo-yo in the same way again.

One of the definite highlights was the raw animal magnetism from the ‘best in show’ competition. The audience were digging in their pockets to find out how much that doggy on the stage was.

Best in Show

Luckily for the audience there was the well anticipated raffle where the winner receives a special surprise that is definitely worth the ticket.

You will laugh, you will swoon and you might be a little disgusted, but most definitely – you’ll be Jealousss.

Briefs is playing at London Wonderground at the Southbank until September 27. Get there early to get into the splash zone!


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