Same-sex wedding blessed at Dundee cathedral

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A gay couple have had the first same-sex wedding blessed at a Dundee cathedral.

The couple – Steven Gray and Paul Hastie – were married at a local registry office, but received a blessing from the Scottish Episcopal Church at St Paul’s Cathedral in Dundee.

Reverend Jeremy Auld said at the ceremony: “Sadly at this point in the law we cannot yet marry them here but we can give them the Church’s blessing on their marriage and I’m really pleased to do this.

“This is a pretty historic moment in this church and this cathedral, as it is the very first in Dundee and most of Scotland. Finally we in the Church can celebrate human love as a gift from God irrespective of gender.”

“This is a momentous occasion,” Paul said, “and a first for the Scottish Episcopal Church in Dundee and the cathedral’s 160-year history.

“For us to have our ceremony in this building was so important. It has been a long, hard slog, but love is love, regardless of gender.”

Steven added: “It is not often you get to be a part of making history. I really hope this helps move things forward and there comes a day when marriage is just marriage, without the need to say ‘same-sex’ marriage.”

Auld noted the antiquated nature of many biblical passages that people use to criticise homosexuality: “Many who are shocked, whether in a good way or a bad way, will say that the Bible condemns same-sex relationships, and yes it does, in the Old Testament, along with a list of prohibitions including wearing cotton and wool together, or going near a menstruating woman.

“We have learned such rules were of their time and place, and all these Biblical references have nothing to do with stable and loving relationships. Paul and Steven’s is such a relationship.”

The Scottish Episcopal Church has not yet decided whether to perform same-sex weddings. Under the current system in Scotland, religious organisations must ‘opt-in’ if they wish to perform ceremonies for same-sex couples.

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