This network is in trouble with viewers for airing an anti-gay ad (VIDEO)

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Dozens of complaints have been made to a television network which aired ads featuring a strong anti-gay marriage message.

Foxtel, an Australian pay TV company, was the subject of a slew of complaints for airing ads for the Marriage Alliance.

The ad features a drawing of an iceberg with the words ‘same-sex marriage’ incorporated.

It features the tagline “it’s not as simple as you think”.

Many users took to social media to say they would cancel their subscriptions to the service.

One said it was “disgusting” and “shameful” that the advert had been aired in the first place.

Others have accused the advert of “spreading misinformation and lies”.

Watch the video here:

The ads appeared last week on the channel, and are set to run through this week.

Other channels have refused to show the ads, which have also appeared on Fairfax Media.

Despite making the decision to feature the ads, Foxtel has actually signed a corporate campaign in support of equal marriage, and has also featured ads in favour of the move.

“This decision was not made lightly and was made with the active involvement of senior gay executives,” it posted on Facebook.

“We believe this debate should be won by the force of the argument in favour of reform, not by refusing to engage in debate or to allow contrary opinions to be put.”

The Marriage Alliance is a newly formed group, describing itself as independent.

It was formed in response to strong calls for same-sex marriage in Australia, and the controversy comes as thousands took to the streets of Australia to push for same-sex marriage, across various cities.

The marches come ahead of the resuming of the federal parliament this week, after which a cross-party bill for same-sex marriage will be introduced.

Rallies have already taken place this year, to push for MPs to be given a free vote on the issue.

Same-sex marriage has proven difficult in Australia, and Prime Minister Tony Abbott is a staunch opponent.

Voices from across the political spectrum are loudening in the calls for the legalisation of marriage equality.

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