US Supreme Court justice performs same-sex wedding in Vietnam for gay Ambassador

US Supreme Court justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg has performed a ceremonial same-sex wedding in Vietnam – for a gay Ambassador.

Justice Ginsburg, who was one of the five justices to rule earlier this year that same-sex marriage is a constitutional right, previously outraged anti-gay activists by herself officiating a number of same-sex weddings.

She showed no signs of stopping this week – officiating a wedding for one of America’s six openly gay ambassadors.

Ambassador to Vietnam Ted Osius tied the knot with his husband Clayton Bond back in 2006 in Canada.

However, following the legalisation of same-sex marriage in the US, the pair opted to renew their vows in a ceremonial service at their Hanoi home this week.

The pair were wed by the Supreme Court justice in what is at least her fifth same-sex wedding to date – though the number could well be higher.

It was her first ceremony outside the US. Same-sex marriage is not legal in any Asian country, including Vietnam.

Mr Osious told the Washington Blade that he invited several young LGBT rights activists from Vietnam to the ceremony, adding: “We thought it might be meaningful not only to us, but to the LGBT community in Vietnam.”

Of the Supreme Court justice’s presence, he added: “She is one of the most extraordinary people we have ever met.”

Justice Ginsburg has been one of the strongest voices on the court in favour of LGBT equality as well as women’s rights – earning her the nickname ‘Notorious RBG’ online for her impassioned defences of equality.

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