Lesbian couple in super cute underwater proposal

Illustrated rainbow pride flag on a white background.

A woman has made a splash by proposing to her girlfriend 60 feet underwater.

Markie Beth learned to scuba dive specifically so she could surprise her girlfriend, Sarah, with the underwater proposal.

“I spent the month of May secretly taking classes to become SCUBA diving certified, so I could propose to my marine biologist/divemaster girlfriend,” Beth wrote.

“She thought she was just going diving with some friends and her brother who happened to be in town, but I showed up under water and surprised her!”


While the couple were exploring the sea bed, Beth help up a series of signs for her girlfriend to read – the last of which read: “Will you marry me?”


One read she would “go to the bottom of the ocean”, but comically the next said she was “only certified to 60 feet.”

The next slide, however, pops the big question…


All the effort Markie went to paid off and Sarah accepted the proposal. Once they were back on dry land, she took the more traditional route and got down on one knee to offer Sarah a ring.

Watch the cute proposal below:

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