Scottish Labour elects new leader

Former Scottish Labour Party leader Kezia Dugdale

The Scottish Labour Party has elected a new leader.

The party was thrown into disarray after a near-wipeout during May’s elections for the UK Parliament – when the Scottish National Party claimed nearly all of Labour’s seats.

Former leader Jim Murphy quit as leader after just six months in the role, after losing his own seat – and the party toda selected his replacement.

Kedia Dugdale, who is Member of the Scottish Parliament for the Lothian Region, was elected by Scottish Labour members – winning 72.1% of the vote and beating out MSP Ken Macintosh.

Mr Macintosh received 27.9% of the vote.

In her acceptance speech, she said: “I have a message for Labour members, we are down, but we are not out.”

Ms Dugdale, 33, was a strong proponent of same-sex marriage in Scotland as it came through Holyrood – supporting the extension of marriage rights to same-sex couples.

She also voiced support for “allowing heterosexual couples rights to enter into civil partnerships should they wish” – though the government is yet to submit plans for this.

The new leader was also a signatory to one of the weirder Parliamentary motions back in 2012 – signing a motion in support of two fictional X-Men characters who were due to tie the knot in a same-sex ceremony.

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