Republican who faked gay rent boy scandal: Death would be easier than this humiliation

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A Republican exposed faking allegations that he hired a gay rent boy has claimed that death would be “much easier” than his humiliation.

Earlier this month, the Detroit News published secret recordings of Michigan state representative Todd Courser plotting to cover up allegations that he was having an affair with Republican colleague Cindy Gamrat – by planting a fake liaison with a male prostitute.

The Republican eventually admitted that he conspired to leak the fake allegations about himself, in a plot so convoluted and twisty, it makes House of Cards seem like Teletubbies.

He claimed he was being “blackmailed” over his affair – and invented the fake story to flush out the blackmailers and throw off his critics.

In a lengthy post on his Facebook this week, he wrote about the “public humiliation” he had endured.

He wrote: “The most brutal things I have had to endure in my life have been brought from and through this experience – the public humiliation was small and insignificant when compared to having telling my wife and children and my family – death will be a much richer reward, a much easier mantle, than having to share all of this.

He added that after faking his gay scandal, some people have come forward with real ones.

He said: “A couple have come forward to express their guilt and shame for being faith filled but struggling with how to reconcile that with having homosexual tendencies and trying to reconcile that with their faith.

“In every one of these experiences it has been an incredibly humbling to me. I am not sure why all of this coming out about me has brought them forward, but I am eternally grateful for their words and their experiences.”

He added: “I seek your forgiveness, for those who can and have supported me through this I am eternally grateful.

“For those of you who feel you need to pile on your words of condemnation, please try to keep your condemnation on me, not privately messaging my wife and family; it is my cross to carry. My wife and children do not in any way deserve it; they have not brought any of this on themselves.”

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