Four Presidential candidates sign pledge to void all gay marriages

Four Republican Presidential candidates have signed a pledge to void the marriages of thousands of loving same-sex couples.

The National Organisation for Marriage – which was forced to disclose this week that it is secretly funded by Catholic donors – asked all Republican candidates to pledge support for a new constitutional amendment defining marriage as between a man and a woman – voiding the thousands of existing same-sex weddings across all 50 states.

It is also asking them to “prevent the promotion of a redefined version of marriage in public schools” – effectively de-facto banning teachings about same-sex marriage or same-sex couples.

The group also wants them to protect “the right of organisations and individuals” who disagree with same-sex marriage – permitting discrimination against same-sex couples.

Incredibly, despite the overtly homophobic measures proposed by the anti-gay group, four of the Republicans vying for the Presidential nomination actually signed the pledge.

Rick Santorum, Senator Ted Cruz, Dr Ben Carson, and Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal all agreed with the group’s mission to strip gay people of their basic rights to marriage and protection from discrimination.

It is not a particular surprise from any of the four, all of whom have equally vile records of homophobia.

Carson, who is currently polling second in a field of seventeen, has claimed that equal marriage is a ‘Marxist plot’ and claimed prisons prove being gay is a choice.

Cruz recently branded Ellen Page a “liberal fascist” for asking him about LGBT rights, while Rick Santorum still thinks gay people can be cured, and letting them marry will cause a global crisis.

Jindal, meanwhile, is trying to introduce a law in Louisiana explicitly permitting discrimination against same-sex couples.

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