Pride in London chair Michael Salter to be awarded MBE

Illustrated rainbow pride flag on a pink background.

The Chair of Pride in London, Michael Salter, is to be awarded an MBE for public service.

The government made the announcement as part of the Dissolution Honours list, which saw a number of figures from the former coalition government rewarded for their service.

In addition to serving as Chair of London’s annual Pride event, until May Mr Salter served as Political Head of Broadcasting at Number 10 Downing Street.

He was one of David Cameron’s most senior out advisers, overseeing the Government’s presence on TV and Radio, also serving as an adviser on LGBT+ engagement policies.

It was announced today: “The Queen has been graciously pleased to signify Her intention of conferring the following Honours.

“MBE: Michael Salter – Lately Head of Political Broadcast, 10 Downing Street. For public service.”

He told PinkNews: “Public Service brings its own rewards, as what you do effects so many others, so this was a lovely surprise and I’m honoured to be recognised in this way.

“I am proud to have worked with The Prime Minister as an advisor for the past ten years, we achieved some great things – not least The Same Sex Marriage Act, working with others such as Lynne Featherstone.”

The Pride in London chair made the news himself earlier this year – joking after a report from CNN claimed the ISIS flag was flown at Pride in London. It was in fact a flag featuring sex toys.

Appearing on the Daily Politics show, he joked: “Like many people, I thought it was very funny. But it made a serious point, which is that ISIS as an organisation is known for throwing people they think might be gay off buildings and killing them.

“It was actually a very serious point about the tolerance we see in other countries around the world.”

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