PVRIS singer Lyndsey Gunnulfsen: I had no gay role models growing up

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PVRIS singer Lyndsey Gunnulfsen has said she never felt like she had a positive gay role model growing up.

The singer told the BBC, that she never felt she got the impression that being gay is “OK”.

“I never had someone to look up to and be like ‘oh that person is OK and they’re gay,'” she says.

“If I can be that for someone then it’s why I’m open about it”.

Going on, Gunnulfsen said she used to want to be private about her sexuality but that she had evolved to think it was important to be open about.

“I think it’s something that needs to be shared publicly,” she went on.

The singer went on to say she interacts often with her gay fans on social media.

“I think a lot of people are trying to accept themselves and come to terms with it because it’s still a pretty big thing right now.”

“I think it’s good to have an open mind and speak about stuff if you have a platform to,” she went on.

“As long as it’s something positive and something that’s beneficial to other people”.


PVRIS is currently on an international tour, and comes to the UK this winter.


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