A gay couple from San Francisco flew to marry in Rowan County to p-off Kim Davis

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A gay couple has flown from San Francisco into Rowan County, Kentucky, in order to send a message to adamantly homophobic clerk Kim Davis.

Davis was released from jail earlier this week after spending time behind bars for contempt of court.

The clerk for Rowan County, Kentucky, made international news when she defied a string of court orders by refusing to grant marriage licenses to gay and lesbian couples, despite issuing marriage licenses being a large part of her job.

She previously rejected deals to get her out of jail which would have simply meant her not interfering with her deputies when they issue marriage licences to gay couples. She was released on the same condition.

One gay couple flew all the way from San Francisco to send a message to Davis that her intolerance will not be endured.

Mark Shrayber and Allen Corona said they wanted to show their support for all gay couples.

“We are in 2015. We are not burning witches anymore,” said Shrayber, adding that he’s disgusted to see Davis becoming “a martyr.”

Since Davis went to jail on Thursday, ten marriage licences have been issued, seven of those to gay couples. However, at least one of the four couples who sued Davis have not received a marriage licence.

After being released on Tuesday, Davis now plans to return to work this coming Monday.

She faces a challenge, however, if she wants to stop her deputies from issuing marriage licences to same-sex couples, as Brian Mason, one of the deputies, who have been ordered to issue marriage licences in Davis’ absence, said he would ignore her if she told him not to issue licences to gay couples.

Photos of her were posted surrounded by ‘fan mail’, and she released a statement saying: “I am deeply moved by all those who prayed for me. All I can say is that I am amazed and very grateful. I am enjoying spending time with my husband, my family, and my three dogs.  I have also been spending time reading boxes of letters expressing support and prayers from people around the country.

“I haven’t even made a dent in the piles of letters,” she said.

“I love God, love people, and love my work. I hope we will continue to respect these values and that America remains a place where all three can live in harmony,” Davis continued. 

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