Poll finds what people really think of Kim Davis

Anti-gay clerk Kim Davis might be the darling of the religious right, but everyday Americans think she should just do her job.

Rowan County clerk Kim Davis was briefly jailed for contempt of court after she ignored direct orders from a court, by continuing to refusing to let gay couples marry.

Davis has been married four times, but claims God doesn’t want gays to marry.

However, a poll has found that despite a sizeable amount of public support for her position at the start of the controversy, now nearly two thirds of Americans disagree.

An ABC News/Washington Post poll found that 63 percent of people believe Davis should stop blocking same-sex marriage licenses, with just 33 percent claiming she should be free to not issue licenses to gay couples.

Of those who believe she should issue licenses, 72 percent support the decision to jail her for contempt of court.

When asked more directly whether equality under the law should be valued above religious beliefs, 74 percent sided with the law – and just 19 percent said religious beliefs should come first.

The stats are a complete turnaround from just two months ago, when public opinion was in Davis’ favour.

In July, just 56 percent of people said that protecting religious liberties was more important than gay rights, with just 39 percent saying the opposite.

Stain remover Tide to Go recently launched an ad taking aim at Kim Davis.

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