Chris Moyles: My show’s for everyone, male or female, gay or straight

Illustrated rainbow pride flag on a white background.

Chris Moyles has hit out at the marketing of his new radio show on Radio X – claiming it is for “everyone” and not for “blokes”.

The former Radio 1 presenter has returned to the airwaves after a number of years away this month, with a new show on the station formerly known as X FM.

However, on his first show since the change, Moyles hit out at the marketing of Radio X, dismissing claims that it is ‘male-focussed’ and for ‘blokes’.

He said: “There’s been a lot of confused press about Radio X… a lot of people took that as Radio X being a radio station for blokes.

“That was news to me… let me be the first of many Radio X DJs to say that’s a load of balls.

“I don’t care if you’re male, female, gay, straight, white, black. It was just a marketing thing – it should never have gone out in the press release.”

Stephen Miron, the CEO of Global Radio, had previously claimed in a press release: “I’m proud that Global is launching Radio X today and that we’re able to bring a completely new national music and entertainment property for 25-44 year old men to the market.”

Chris Moyles was named Stonewall Bully of the Year in 2006, after refusing to apologise for using homophobic language on-air.

However, he has since affirmed his support for LGBT rights.

Moyles’ former colleague Scott Mills previously said of him: “He can come across as homophobic, but it’s because he’s so not, that he thinks it’s okay to say some things. People can take it the wrong way.”

“I dreaded hosting the show before or after him because of what he was going to say. So I went in one day and said to him, ‘What’s your problem?’

“When I confronted him he was an absolute puppy dog. It’s all an act for on air. He stopped after that.”

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