Ex-marine launches into shocking rant as he smashes gay poster (VIDEO)

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An ex-marine has been recorded ranting homophobic slurs, before destroying a poster featuring a gay couple.

The man launched into the rant after catching sight of the marketing campaign – which was advertising a gay dating site.

Ex-marine launches into shocking rant as he smashes gay poster (VIDEO)

The poster – which advertised “non-stop hook ups” – was situated directly beside benches at a bus stop.

The man claimed that the campaign should “not be allowed on the streets of America”, and he was concerned about his children seeing it.

After spotting the poster, the man walked over to the display case, before launching into a homophobic rant.

“I’m 66 f**king years old,” he barks – although his lack of teeth and obvious smoking habit make him a little hard to understand.

“I have nine children, two boys, seven girls. I don’t want them seeing this f**king bulls**t on the streets of the US of A.”

He then goes on to explain that he was a marine and had fought for his country, adding: “I didn’t fight for this s*** to be put up on my goddamn streets.”

Ex-marine launches into shocking rant as he smashes gay poster (VIDEO)

The man then precedes to smash the display with a rock and throw the poster in the road – thereby setting a great example to the children whose innocence he wishes to protect.

Talking to the camera, he shouts: “I did it. I did it, you got it on film.

“I’ll take the charge, but guess what, I stand by my morals.”

Of which he clearly has many.

Ex-marine launches into shocking rant as he smashes gay poster (VIDEO)

The cameraman then tells the vandal that he has his respect.

It is not clear exactly where the footage was filmed, or whether it is being investigated by police.

Watch the full clip below.

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