Kim Davis has one gay friend, and he thinks she should just do her job

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Kentucky clerk Kim Davis does have a gay friend – but he’s really not happy with her.

Rowan County clerk Kim Davis was briefly jailed for contempt of court after she ignored direct orders from a court, by continuing to refusing to let gay couples marry.

Davis, who has been married four times but insists God doesn’t want gays to marry, claimed in a TV interview earlier this week that she still has gay friends.

The cause was taken up by investigative reporters across the US – and sleuths from the Daily Beast did in fact manage to track down a gay man who admitted a friendship with Davis.

However, there’s a catch. Kim’s GBF, Dallas Black of Morehead, Kentucky, says he barely recognises Davis given her current viewpoints.

He explained: “Even after this all started, I went in a few days later and we spoke.

“We talked about how each other were feeling, and how we’re gonna be friends even after all this.”

He added: “I really don’t know who Kim is at the moment. I really want to believe that the kind, sweet person who was there when my mum passed away is still there.

“I was friends with Kim in the past, but I don’t know this woman I’ve been seeing.”

Mr Black also revealed that Davis only became a Christian recently, despite her proselytising.

He said: “I somewhat feel like she is taking this to an extreme, because she didn’t become a Christian until four years ago.

“Kim Davis has become the face of Morehead, and that’s not the face we want to portray.”
Kim Davis has one gay friend, and he thinks she should just do her job
With friends like that, Kim, who needs enemies?

Davis also recently insisted that gay people don’t have a constitutional right to dignity.

She said: “I don’t think dignity is guaranteed in the Constitution. I think dignity is something that you find within yourself.

“I feel really sad (that) someone could be so unhappy with themselves as a person that they did not feel dignified as a human being until they got a piece of paper.

“I mean, there’s just so much more to life than that.”

Davis is building up quite a collection of pieces of paper – it must be hard storing four marriage certificates and three divorce certificates…

Kim Davis has one gay friend, and he thinks she should just do her job
Crying, she sobbed: “What people say about me doesn’t define who I am. That’s everybody’s opinion, that’s everybody’s right…

“I’ve been called Hitler, I’ve been called a hypocrite, I’ve been called a homophobe… I’ve been called things and names that I didn’t even know.

“Those names don’t hurt me. What probably hurt me the worst is when someone tells me that my God does not love me or that my God is not happy with me, that I am a hypocrite of a Christian.”

Despite claiming she is just a persecuted Christian, Davis is represented by extremist lawyer Mat Staver – who is affiliated with a number of listed anti-LGBT hate groups.

Staver was condemned by the Jewish Anti-Defamation League earlier this month for comparing his client to Jews in the gas chamber.

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