This parody Twitter rips into the Stonewall film’s ‘whitewashing’

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Someone has created a parody account for Roland Emmerich, the director of the highly controversial Stonewall film.

Prior to release, the film came under fire amid claims of whitewashing and trans-erasure, afterthe first trailer suggested it would be centred on a white middle-class gay hero.

Later clips focussed on historical queer figures, such as black drag activist Marsha P Johnson, and the film’s director insists it is representative.

Irvine, who played the lead role in the film, spoke to the Daily Beast about the controversy.

He said: “I don’t think any of us expected it to get the attention that it has… but now how many people have heard the name Marsha P Johnson, opposed to never having heard it before?

“I was out last night and had a few groups of people come up to me and wanted to talk about the film.

“They wanted to know if Marsha P Johnson was going to be a part of the movie and I was like, ‘Yeah! But also, how cool that you are all talking about that!’.”

He added that he found the initial trailer for the film misleading in its approach, paying tribute to the diversity portrayed in the final film.

Irvine has since said that controversy over the film has actually helped raise awareness about the diversity of the riots.

The Roland Emmerich film is based on the 1969 Stonewall riots, which are often considered the birthplace of the gay rights movement.

It ranges from this beauty:


To this:


A selection of the best tweets are below:

Roland4 Roland3 Roland2 Roland8 Roland Roland5 Roland9


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