Emma Watson exposed a shocking truth about sexism with just four numbers

Emma Watson has used just four numbers to expose sexism in Hollywood.

The Harry Potter star gave an extraordinary revelation in a recent interview with the Guardian.

She used her own experiences of the industry to reveal a shocking truth.

“I have experienced sexism in that I have been directed by male directors 17 times and only twice by women,” she said.

“Of the producers I’ve worked with, 13 have been male and only one has been a woman.”

The star recently praised Rugby League player Keegan Hirst, after he came out as gay.

Keegan Hirst, prop and captain for Batley Bulldogs rugby team, came out publicly in the Sunday Mirror over the weekend.

She also hit at the media’s perception of gender roles in 2012 – after a particularly short haircut led to her sexuality being questioned.

She said: “I had journalists asking me if this meant I was coming out, if I was a lesbian now.”

“That haircut did make me realise how subjective everyone’s opinion is. Some people were crazy for it and some people just thought I’d lost my s**t. All I can do is follow my instincts, because I’ll never please everyone.”

Watson is not the only star taking aim at the film industry – Matt Damon recently made controversial, probably clumsily worded comments, suggesting gay actors do better if they stay in the closet. 

Matt Damon1

Damon made the comments about fellow actor Rupert Everett, suggesting he was less successful because he came out as gay.

The Bourne star made the comments in an interview with the Guardian, and said actors should keep their private lives private.


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