Homophobic pizzeria accidentally catered a gay wedding

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An Indiana pizzeria that swore to never cater a gay wedding… has accidentally catered for a gay wedding.

Memories Pizza in Walkerton, Indiana made the news earlier this year when the owners pledged to use the state’s newly passed Religious laws to refuse to serve pizza at gay weddings.

Owner Crystal O’Connor said: “If a gay couple was to come in and they wanted us to provide pizzas for their wedding, we would have to say no.”

A subsequent right-wing fundraiser in support of the pizzeria raised a shocking $844,527.

However, if O’Connor really thought she could never serve a gay wedding, she had another thing coming.

Illinois couple Robin Trevino and Jason Delgatto were tying the knot last week – and Trevino decided to take the 80 mile drive down to Indiana to pick up pizza for the reception.

The comedian, part  of gay comedy group GayCo, headed to Memories Pizza to get some gay wedding pizza.
Homophobic pizzeria accidentally catered a gay wedding
He said: “For the reception, Memories Pizza will be catering our gay wedding.

“They have no idea this is going to happen, but it’s happening.”
Homophobic pizzeria accidentally catered a gay wedding
He secretly filmed himself heading into the pizzeria, ordering two overpriced large pizzas.

The video-maker also noted that incredibly there is still a tip cup in the pizzeria “because the money they made from GoFundMe wasn’t enough”.

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He then drove the pizzas back to Chicago, before holding a wedding reception the next day with his husband, children and close friends and family.

Trevino told everyone: “I don’t know if you guys remember hearing the news about the pizza place in Walkerton Indiana. Memories Pizza said that they would not ever cater a gay wedding.
Homophobic pizzeria accidentally catered a gay wedding
“So yesterday I drove to Walkerton Indiana and brought these… Memories Pizza just catered a gay wedding!”

The wedding guests then all thank Memories Pizza, for helping make a gay wedding.

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