Anti-gay clerk Kim Davis sued Kentucky Governor, he got major lols

The Governor Kentucky is having a bit of a laugh right now at the hands of Kim Davis who filed a lawsuit against him he described as “absurd”.

The Rowan County clerk, who served five days in jail for contempt of court, has continually ignored court orders instructing her to stop discriminating against gays.

Anti-gay clerk Kim Davis sued Kentucky Governor, he got major lols

She has now filed a lawsuit against Kentucky Governor Steve Beshear, in order to avoid issuing marriage licences to same-sex couples.

In filings by Governor Beshear’s lawyers, they used words like “absurd”, “forlorn” and “obtuse”.

“Simply stated, Davis’ role is a legal one — not a moral or religious one,” Beshear’s attorneys wrote, asking a judge to throw out her lawsuit.

Her lawsuit claims that Beshear “took it upon himself … to set and announce new Kentucky marriage license policies and command county clerks to abide by such policies.”

It also accused him of “specifically targeting clerks like Davis who possess certain religious beliefs about marriage.”

Davis’ lawyer Mat Staver, of the homophobic Liberty Counsel, earlier this week admitted a picture he shared of a ‘Kim Davis solidarity’ rally in Peru was completely fake.

Pope Francis also spoke out in favour of Davis during his trip to the US, and the pair later met up.


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