Twilight characters swap gender to celebrate 10th Anniversary

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Author Stephanie Meyer revealed the book’s characters would swap genders in new bonus content.

In the new anniversary material – ‘Life and Death: Twilight Reimagined’ – the gender roles of the series’ main characters are reversed – meaning Edward will be Edythe and Jacob will be Julie.

Twilight characters swap gender to celebrate 10th Anniversary

“I wanted to do something fun for the 10th anniversary and the publisher wanted like a foreword and I thought, ‘Well, maybe something more interesting,’” Meyer revealed yesterday (October 6).

The new story’s protagonist is named Beau – the male equivalent of Twilight heroine Bella Swan – played by Kristen Stewart in the equally successful movie franchise.

Meyer said that her inspiration for the gender swap came from the character of Bella – as she hoped to quash criticisms of the character, who has been labelled by some readers as nothing more than a “damsel in distress”.

“It’s always bothered me a little bit because anyone surrounded by superheroes is going to be in distress. We don’t have the powers,” Meyer said.

“I thought, ‘What if we switched it around a bit and see how a boy does,’ and, you know, it’s about the same.”

Twilight characters swap gender to celebrate 10th Anniversary

“The further you get in, the more it changes because the personalities get a little bit different, but it starts out very similar and really, it really is the same story because it’s just a love story and it doesn’t matter who’s the boy and who’s the girl, it still works out,” she added.

Highlighting the major differences between Beau and Bella, Meyer said the new character is “not as angry” as his female counterpart.

“He’s more OCD, he’s not nearly so flowery with his words and thoughts, and he’s not as angry – he’s totally missing the chip Bella carries around on her shoulder all the time.”

However, although Meyer’s original novel inspired sequels and five blockbuster movies, the author says she believes this will be the outing for Beau.

“I think that this is just one version with Beau,” she said.


Earlier this year, Stewart opened up about her sexuality, after extensive tabloid rumours.

She said: “Google me, I’m not hiding.”

“I don’t feel like it would be true for me to be like, ‘I’m coming out!’ No, I do a job. Until I decide that I’m starting a foundation or that I have some perspective or opinion that other people should be receiving… I don’t.

“I’m just a kid making movies.”

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