NFL team owner donates $10k to stop LGBT rights law

The owner of an NFL team has given a large amount of money to stop an LGBT anti-discrimination law.

Bob McNair, owner of the NFL Houston Texans, has donated $10,000 to an LGBT hate group in response to a public ballot on an equal rights ordinance.

Activists forced a public ballot on the Houston Equal Rights Ordinance (HERO), a law which outlaws discrimination against LGBT people, after a fear-mongering campaign.

HERO has enacted various civil rights protections for LGBT citizens of Houston – but anti-LGBT activists including the Family Research Council have employed “scare tactics ” over protection for transgender bathroom rights.

Bob McNair’s donation was celebrated by Tony Perkins, the head of listed hate group the Family Research Council.

Perkins bragged: “A long-time conservative, the football mogul jumped into the fight with just a few weeks left until the city’s vote.”

“Like so many locals, he’s strongly against forcing local businesses to swallow their beliefs and celebrate sexual immorality.”

“No doubt McNair is also shaking his head at the thought of giving grown men the green light to share bathrooms, locker rooms, and public showers with young girls simply because they identify as another gender.”

Tony Perkins has been linked with a variety of extremist groups in the past, including the KKK, according to the Southern Poverty Law Center.

This follows former Houston Astros baseball player Lance Berkman releasing an anti-ordinance video on YouTube.

However, yesterday the AARP (American Association for Retired Persons) came out in favour of HERO, according to the Houston Chronicle.

“For older workers, grandparents, unpaid family caregivers, and others age 50 and older who bring vitality to Houston, there’s good reason to afford them and others the protections offered by Proposition 1 (HERO)”, Bob Jackson wrote as his reasoning for AARP backing HERO.

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